Why three weeks at home is the sweet spot

I’ve tried it all: short trips, long trips, try-to-do-nothing trips, do-absolutely-everything trips, 48-hour trips, squeeze-it-in-with-a-business-trip trips. Whew! Visiting home comes in all shapes and sizes, and I can confirm that waking up to a “your flight is ready for check-in” email when you've barely got home from the airport is the-absolute-worst trip. So how do... Continue Reading →

My fourth year in Frankfurt

Can you believe it's been four years already!? On 11th August 2016, I boarded a one-way flight to Frankfurt, and the time has gone so quickly. My fourth year came with a lot of change; some expected, and as for all of us - some unexpected. The Expected I started a new job. This might... Continue Reading →

Choosing to stay with family or move abroad

When given the choice to move abroad, one of the first things we often ask ourselves is "What about my family?" For many of us, family is one of our top priorities in life. Especially when they begin to extend and there are engagements, weddings, pregnancies, and unfortunately sometimes funerals too. We often feel as though... Continue Reading →

The 5 hardest things about living abroad

I love living abroad and it's one of the best choices I've ever made but every now and again I get this 'ugh' feeling. This frustration with the abnormalities of living abroad. I asked a few international friends what they sometimes find difficult about living abroad and we pretty much agreed on the same points.... Continue Reading →

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