FAQs about Alisa Jordan

It's only natural that you want to know more about the person behind the blog posts - I'm exactly the same! After years of sharing my experience of living in Frankfurt and being in touch with so many of you, I've put together your FAQs, so that the answers are all in once place 😊... Continue Reading →

Lockdown winter blues

I've realised I am not the only one feeling a bit 'meh' throughout this winter lockdown. The reduced hours of sunlight and cold weather is always a struggle, but that in combination with a lockdown and social distancing has started to get the better of me. What I am struggling with the most is this... Continue Reading →

My fourth year in Frankfurt

Can you believe it's been four years already!? On 11th August 2016, I boarded a one-way flight to Frankfurt, and the time has gone so quickly. My fourth year came with a lot of change; some expected, and as for all of us - some unexpected. The Expected I started a new job. This might... Continue Reading →

Frankfurt to Seligenstadt – A day trip

Seligenstadt is a pretty town, southeast of Frankfurt, located on the River Main. If you also like the tranquility of typical German towns, Seligenstadt is a day trip worth doing! Arriving in Seligenstadt Seligenstadt is easily reachable from Frankfurt. Ideal for a day trip, I arrived in Seligenstadt around midday and headed back to Frankfurt... Continue Reading →

Life post-Corona lockdown

One week into the corona lockdown in Germany and I was struggling. In fact, I just couldn't wait for lockdown to be over. After eight weeks of being at home, the restrictions have been eased and I feel absolutely no excitement. Like nada. Zero relief. Different countries are at different stages One reason for the... Continue Reading →

Three years of living in Germany!

Before moving, I told myself that I'd live in Germany for a minimum of three years. I gathered that three years would give me enough time to really improve my language skills, become familiar with Frankfurt and build strong relationships with those around me. What I didn't consider, is that after three years of giving... Continue Reading →

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